dimanche 26 mars 2017

Natural Fat Burner

This refreshing juice is an excellent fat burner and also helps to regulate blood sugar levels, so it helps to control hunger. All all round weight loss juice drink! The ingredients contains digestive enzymes that help you to lose weight. It is best drunk first thing in the morning on an empty stomach. This juice is also excellent to boost the immune system and help to ward off, or fight off, colds and flu.

Honey: Full of healthy enzymes and B vitamins, has antimicrobial properties, promotes the re-hydration of the body, cleanses the blood and contains antioxidants.
Grapefruit: Contains a fat burning enzyme and also lowers insulin levels and controls blood sugar levels. The pectin is also a great form of soluble fiber, so good for bowel problems.
Lemon: Help to cleanse and detox. Also promotes a healthy liver and improves digestion, meaning less food is converted to fat.
Ginger: Helps to improve digestion by increasing secretions of digestive juices in the stomach. Also aids blood circulation and metabolism, increases the immune system and strengthens the internal organs of the digestive tract.

Take 2 grapefruits, 3 lemons a large piece of ginger and a tablespoon of honey. Chop the ingredients and then add to a blender and juice. Add the honey and stir. Drink and cleanse!
If you want to burn fat, then drinking this juice before every meals will really help. This drink can be made several times a day and can be drunk as part of a well balanced diet. The grapefruit will boost your metabolism and help you to lose weight and stay slim.

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